Holiday GarlandsFrom $1.79 $1.25 (30% off)
Coming SoonFrom $1.79 $1.25 (30% off)
Traditionally ChicFrom $1.79 $1.43 (20% off)
Classic Ribbon FrameFrom $1.79 $1.25 (30% off)
Modern GarlandFrom $1.79 $0.90 (50% off)
Retro Change of AddressFrom $1.79 $1.43 (20% off)
Banner ImageFrom $1.79 $1.07 (40% off)
Party in the City TonightFrom $1.79 $1.25 (30% off)
Modern Christmas TreeFrom $1.79 $1.25 (30% off)
Snowflakes FallingFrom $1.79 $1.25 (30% off)
I will always consider myself an artist first and graphic designer second, although it’s become very apparent that the two can co-exist harmoniously. I draw inspiration from the natural world around me as well as the man-made structures that I interact with in my daily life. I’m highly influenced by retro signs and advertisements and enjoy melding these vintage sensibilities within modern graphic elements and color palettes. www.mariajanosko.com