Every order plants a tree
Your Impact
Every order plants a tree
Together, we’ve planted over 1 million trees ... and counting!
Every order plants a tree
We make change locally, nationally, and globally.
Every order plants a tree. Here’s where. We work with both domestic and international organizations to plant trees where reforestation is needed the most.
Local Tree Planting
While we love trees, we admittedly are not professional arborists. Having said that, an important part of our company is picking up shovels in our community. To do so, we work with local organizations like Friends of the Urban Forest, Our City Forest, and local schools and municipalities.
National Tree Planting
In the United States, our primary focus is on State and National Forests that have been damaged by fires, insects, and disease. We work partners including some like the Arbor Day Foundation and CarbonFund.org that we’ve worked with for over a decade.
Global Tree Planting
Internationally, we focus our efforts in areas where tree planting is even more directly saving lives by providing income, food, and shelter. Along with our partner, Trees for the Future, we’ve recently started working with a community in the Tabora region of Tanzania to implement forest gardens. With each forest garden, the locals create a mini-ecosystem that enriches their land, produces sustenance for the community, generates income through extra produce, and provides extensive environmental benefits to the community and the planet.
Where Paper Culture has planted trees

Even one tree can make a difference.
All companies consume trees. We are no different. However, instead of cutting down forests to fill your order, we use post-consumer waste and wood alternatives. We offset the carbon footprint we create. We plant a tree with every order. The tree we save and the tree we plant may be the tree we climbed in our youth, the tree we sit underneath on our first date, the tree that helps build our house, the tree that cools our earth, or the tree that provides the air we breathe. We design for a world of trees, because we fear for a world without them.
One tree produces oxygen
One tree produces oxygen
One mature tree produces enough oxygen to support a couple for one year.
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One tree reduces pollution
One tree absorbs as much carbon dioxide as a car produces driving 26,000 miles.
One tree can save energy
One tree can save energy
A tree's cooling effect can equal 10 room air conditioners running 20 hours a day.
One tree can make you money
One tree can make you money
A mature tree can increase a home’s appraised value from $1,000 to $10,000.

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